Sunday, January 13, 2013

Does this look like the scene of the biggest Alabama Alumni Party in Bangalore?

When we decided to make the move to Bangalore, one of the first things that crossed my mind was that if Bama made the National Championship game what would be our plan. I had made the previous two games to Pasadena and New Orleans, and really wanted to make this one to get to South Beach and party with Pitbull "Dale!" My first thought was to leave from New Orleans, go to Miami, then it would be off to Bangalore. Although it sounded good in my head, it would be almost impossible to pull off especially with the craziness of the move and 12 bags of luggage. So I figured that I would either have to watch it in New Orleans and leave after the game or try and watch it here. We decided getting to Bangalore sooner would be better for the move. A partner in my office, Ismael, was kind enough to give Julie and I his slingbox. A slingbox is basically a device that hooks up to your cable at home and allows you to watch TV remotely on computers, iPads, etc. Thanks to my Dad’s electronic expertise, we had our slingbox set up and ready to go.

Due to a combination of jet lag and excitement, the day of the game I was up at 1:00am local time ready for the Tide. I have to give big props to my wife, who normally would love to sleep in, was up and at breakfast with me 10 minutes before they opened so we could make it back in for the game and party. We were back in the room 15 minutes before kickoff, with two drinks poured from the mini-bar.

One good thing about being on the complete opposite side of the world is that there is a 12.5 hour time overlap that allows us to keep in touch with friends. We were able to get our texting set up and I was able to text with fellow Bammers Ryan and Ben, and Daniel and Shane.  During halftime I got to facetime the Kirks’ party.  The game turned out just as I suspected, with the Tide completely dominating. Now I just to have to find out how to get National Championship gear sent here.

Roll Tide.


  1. We can send you some gear George! I think you should tweet a picture of you in your Eddie Lacy shirt from Bangalore...I'm sure that would be worthy of a re-tweet from Cowboy!
